
 英語圏の皆々様、お元気でしょうか 私は元気です。 

It's been a long time since everyone.二 I am writing my first blog post for the second year of Reiwa. How are you all? I'm fine, but right now the coronavirus is making the world go by. It's a tough time, but when building up your strength, coughing or sneezing, hide it with your hands, and in some cases, hide your mouth with your arms up to your elbows, so that you do not spread yourself flying around Please be careful. I eat ginger pickles, eat the water before going to bed, go to bed and eat natto shakes, natto, and use my physical strength and Ji Tanbo to keep my spinning inside and outside. Please go.東京 I hope that from Tokyo, Japan, the people of the world will be better sooner and everyone will be able to return to their usual daily life.

By the way, I live in Tokyo, Japan, but to Shinjuku, to my workplace, to the Wester, Diamond, and so on, I knew what was going on, but in Katsuura and other parts of Japan. It seems that it is gradually becoming clear that the new coronavirus is spreading and widespread, and what happened, and I do not think that a pandemic disease that you do not understand will appear in this way did. At first, I thought it was a new influenza, and apparently it was named Corona, a new coronavirus, and masks in Tokyo were all over the place, bought by China in Japan and sent to China, and now sent to Japan In Japan, it is difficult to buy masks. I can't actually buy it, but I do grooming hand-washing, but I don't have a mask or a mask.殺菌 We carry out sterile spray and disinfectant measures quite tightly. People in China and foreigners who enjoyed sightseeing enjoyed Japan during the Lunar New Year, but they still have basic measures and ideas to put their hands on their mouths to cough and sneeze. It didn't seem. Oiled China.加 Worldwide oiling.

Today, on the 13th of February, the day before Valentine's Day, it would be nice if the Chinese government also took a serious step, or it would be nice if the whole details and progress were gradually revealed, but you can not enter the port at each port I hope that the giant ships, etc., have completed their hospitalization inspection measures for a day and returned to their original lives and enjoyed together. Oiling.

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